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Home Congresswoman McClellan Visits VACU Branch; Learns About CU’s Community Impact, Financial Education Initiatives

Congresswoman McClellan Visits VACU Branch; Learns About CU’s Community Impact, Financial Education Initiatives


Members of Virginia Credit Union's Board of Directors and Staff, as well as League President/CEO Carrie Hunt met Thursday at VACU's Church Hill Branch in Richmond.

Members of Virginia Credit Union's Board of Directors and staff, as well as League President/CEO Carrie Hunt, met Thursday with Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-4th) at VACU's Church Hill Branch in Richmond.

Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-4th) today visited Virginia Credit Union’s Church Hill branch, one of five branches recently opened by the credit union in the City of Richmond.

The congresswoman was treated to a tour of the branch, which serves one of the city’s most storied and historic inner-city neighborhoods. VACU Board and staff showcased the credit union’s financial education initiatives, which reach both school-aged children and adults.

Rep. Jennifer McClellan with Virginia's Deb Wreden and the Virginia Credit Union League's Carrie Hunt.PHOTO: Rep. Jennifer McClellan (left) with Virginia Credit Union's Deb Wreden and the Virginia Credit Union League's Carrie Hunt.

The recent expansion of the credit union’s branch network has served to enhance a longstanding and successful relationship between the city and the credit union, including a partnership with Richmond City Public Schools to teach kids how to save and the continued growth of in-school programs that provide free financial education resources.

Virginia Credit Union League President/CEO Carrie Hunt also participated in the meeting, noting that credit unions are unique in the financial services marketplace, with Virginia Credit Union and its peers representing a consumer-friendly, not-for-profit alternative to for-profit banks.

Visits at your branches can be an excellent way to educate legislators about the “Credit Union Difference” and the impact you have in your community. Your League’s CeJae Vtipilson can help you get started!

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