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Latest News Posts

  • League Supports 'Stop-and-Study' Legislation for Fed's Debit Interchange Proposal
    March 6, 2024

    Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., introduced the Secure Payments Act (H.R. 7531), which would stop the finalization of the Federal Reserve’s proposed debit interchange proposal. Credit unions strongly oppose the Fed’s proposal, and the introduction comes as nearly 6,000 credit union advocates are in Washington, D.C., for the 2024 Governmental Affairs Conference. “We welcome the introduction of this legislation because we understand that credit unions will be negatively impacted should the Federal Reserve Board adopt the rule it has proposed. The fraud costs our credit unions are facing continue to mount and we must have fairness in the system,” said League Chief Advocacy Officer JT Blau.

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  • CUToday - GAC Coverage: What’s Up on the Litigation Front? Once Again, Plenty
    March 6, 2024

    A breakout session that is annually designed to scare the wits out of attendees was once again widely attended sessions during America’s Credit Unions GAC here, where three attorneys offering updated on all the litigation threats faced by CUs.

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  • League Pleased That Lawmakers Appear Near on Deals to Fund the Federal Government
    March 6, 2024

    The House is expected to pass a package of six spending bills to fund a major swath of the federal government and avoid a partial government shutdown this weekend. This will set the stage for final negotiations over the rest of the year’s budget after months of political wrangling. The Senate is expected to vote by the end of the week.

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  • CUs, League Meet with Federal Lawmakers on Day 1 of 'Hike The Hill' Visits
    March 6, 2024

    Your League and member credit unions spent the day on Capitol Hill, meeting with Reps. Morgan Griffith (R-9), Jennifer Kiggans (R-2), and key staff members for Bobby Scott (D-3). Additional meetings with lawmakers are scheduled for tomorrow. "Although we are continuously engaged with federal lawmakers on our issues, meetings like those today offer member credit unions a unique opportunity to highlight the 'Credit Union Difference' for policymakers and hear lawmakers' perspectives on the issues facing our industry," said JT Blau, the League's chief advocacy officer.

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  • CFPB Issues Final League-Opposed Credit Card Penalty Fee Rule
    March 5, 2024

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today issued its final rule on credit card penalty fees. "We maintain that the Bureau's rule fails to consider the negative consequences likely to result from the regulation, including interest rate hikes and changes to other terms and fee amounts," notes League Chief Advocacy Officer JT Blau. "The proposal also does not take into account credit unions' member-owned, not-for-profit business model, which incentivizes credit unions to keep fees reasonable and proportionate to the costs of providing the service."

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  • REGular Blog: CFPB Issues Final Rule Limiting Credit Card Late Fees
    March 5, 2024

    Today the CFPB issued its final rule on credit card late fees, which lowers the safe harbor on credit card late fees for large issuers. The rule was proposed last year, and it did change slightly from the proposed version. The Final Rule is a hot conversation topic here at GAC!

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  • BayPort CU Offering $100,000 in Tuition Assistance Scholarships
    March 5, 2024

    Calling local students and working professionals of all ages! Are you seeking a trade or vocational career in plumbing or welding? Enrolled in an Early Childhood Development program? Perhaps you’re a recent Newport News Shipbuilding Apprentice School or Virginia Peninsula Community College graduate? Or maybe you are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at a college or university. If you answered yes to any of the above, BayPort has a scholarship specifically for you!

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  • Chartway Keeps Delivering on Its Motto, ‘People First, Always’
    March 4, 2024

    Celebrating a Juntos Avanzamos designation and increased team member engagement, the CU’s leaders continue to foster a workplace of inclusion. Chartway’s “People First, Always” statement originated in 2021 and has been embraced by our team. It embodies our commitment to placing the dignity and diversity of people at the forefront of everything we do to unlock the potential of individuals and families so they can thrive.

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  • NCUA Memo: Credit Unions Are Not Purchasing Banks at Fast Pace
    March 4, 2024

    Despite the outcry by the banking community, credit unions are not purchasing banks at a quickening pace, according to a National Credit Union Administration memo obtained by Washington Credit Union Daily under the Freedom of Information Act. Banking trade groups have called for congressional hearings on bank purchases by credit unions, contending that credit unions can leverage their tax exemptions to offer better deals to banks than banks are able to offer.

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  • The Impact of Rising Debit Card Fraud and How to Defend Against It
    March 4, 2024

    In 2023, 34% of financial institutions with assets at or under $5 billion saw a growth in debit/prepaid fraud while 56% of larger institutions also witnessed an increase (PYMNTS). The impact of compromised cards and the resulting fraud can be significant for both credit unions and their members. Taking a closer look at the trending tactics for collecting card information and using it for fraud attacks can help credit unions take more effective, proactive steps to guard against it.

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