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Home League, The United Methodist Credit Union Meet with Congressman McEachin

League, The United Methodist Credit Union Meet with Congressman McEachin

Authored By: CeJae Vtipilson on 5/6/2022

Virginia Credit Union League President/CEO Carrie Hunt, United Methodist Credit Union CEO Jim Eads and Congressman Don McEachinThe Virginia Credit Union League held a very productive meeting with Congressman Donald McEachin (D-4th) on May 5, 2022 at United Methodist Credit Union (TUMCU). VACUL President/CEO Carrie Hunt (pictured left) and TUMCU President/CEO Jim Eads (pictured center) had a very enlightening discussion with the Congressman, discussing the great and innovative work done by TUMCU and other Virginia credit union for their members and communities.

Congressman McEachin is very focused on finding ways to serve the underserved and unbanked communities in the 4th District. VACUL staff and Mr. Eads were able to provide examples of TUMCU and other credit unions serving these communities across the District and the Commonwealth by providing safe and affordable banking products, services, and credit to those who have historically been marginalized by banks.

They also highlighted how the passage of H.R. 7003, Expanding Financial Access for Underserved Communities Act would allow even more credit unions the opportunity to serve underserved communities not currently included in their fields of membership.

President Carrie Hunt stated it is “her mission to ensure every citizen in the Commonwealth of Virginia has the access and opportunity to become a credit union member and utilize the vast array of products and services they provide.” She added that the passage of H.R. 7003 will help us move towards fulfilling that vision and providing affordable banking services to millions of underserved and unbanked citizens, setting them up for a future of financial security and freedom.

The League thanks Mr. Eads and the United Methodist Credit Union for their hospitality in hosting our meeting with Congressman McEachin.

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