Beginning January 2, 2025 the Virginia Credit Union League and The League of Southeastern Credit Unions and Affiliates have formed one unified organization: The League of Credit Unions and Affiliates. Please visit to view our new site.

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Home Pages From of the Diary of Mrs. C. Hunt - Oct. 26, 2021

Pages From of the Diary of Mrs. C. Hunt - Oct. 26, 2021

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 10/26/2021

League President/CEO Carrie Hunt's latest "Diary" post features the McAuliffe-Youngkin match for governor; the ongoing fight over the Reconciliation Package (featuring the expanded IRS reporting requirements for financial institutions we fiercely oppose); and our work to voice credit union concerns over the coming vaccine mandate regulation (possible any day!).

Plus, it's Round 2 of the hugely important field-of-membership case being argued before a State Corporation Commission hearing examiner, which begins tomorrow. Bankers have recently engaged in state-level legislative and judicial attacks -- whether field-of-membership or taxation -- in hopes of building momentum for carrying these issues to the federal level, meaning this case bears every credit union’s close attention. Importantly, the laws granting authority to regulators to approve common-bond expansions for groups with more than 3,000 potential members in Virginia and at the federal level are very similar in both wording and intent. 

Read "Cards on the Table" here:

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